Friday, December 18, 2009

Tis the Season

Its a busy season! I have ton of photos to share so I'll keep the writing to a minimum. These first photos are from Thanksgiving, which we hosted at our house. We were blessed to have my 97 year old grandmother join us. She and my Aunt met Elizabeth for the first time. The photos with my grandmother are precious, don't you think?

The Thanksgiving Table
97 yr old Great grandmother and some of her great grandchildren
Elizabeth mets her Great Grandmother!

Girls night out at the Mini Nutcracker. So thankful that my sweet 9 yo still likes playing with her dolls and dressing alike! How wonderful!!
My kids are so much sweeter than I am! They put on a spontaneous nativity story. This is when the angel appears to Mary...can you tell "she was afraid".
This is my, love, love this photo!
This is Joseph with Mary on the donkey (aka backpack) : )
Watching the Franklin Christmas Parade
Christmas Recital
Charlie Brown ICE at Opryland
It was 10 degrees in there! COLD!!!
The kids had a great time on the Ice slides!!!

All made from Ice....really beautiful
More Ice sliding

In the Opryland Hotel...walking through the inside gardens.

1 comment:

  1. The pics. are great! Love the ones of Mama H with the children (what a treasure----a 95 year span!)
    The other look like such fun, pure pleasure
    Love you,
    Aunt M.
