Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Just a quick story from Sunday at church......

Elizabeth has been going to church with us....meaning worship service....and usually by the time the sermon starts John or I have to step out with her. She isn't fussy, just a regular toddler and is distracting in the service.

I have a few meetings coming up and childcare is provided at those. But we haven't tried any childcare expect leaving Elizabeth with her grandparents for a very short period of time.

So this past Sunday we thought we'd see how it would go taking her to the church nursery. She is very well attached to us so I felt she was ready in that sense. But she is WELL attached to us and expected her to not do so well in being left.

I filled out the enrollment paperwork....I hadn't even "enrolled" her at church yet : ) And I was so blessed that the lady working that table had a daughter adopted from Korea. So I didn't have to do much explaining at all. I asked her to page me immediately if Elizabeth cried b/c I wanted her to know I would return. This mom completely understood where I was coming from!

So I took Elizabeth to her room and the children were having lots of fun. She hesitantly let me hand her off to the nursery worker (with pacifier & blankie in full use!) She whimpered a bit but was interested in looking at the other children. So I headed off to church. The tears welled up in my eyes and heart. Oh my goodness......it hurt to leave her....it really, really did. I was so afraid she would feel "left". Then God calmed my heart and told me it was a new opportunity to show her I WOULD come back. That helped me keep walking away from the nursery wing.

I enjoyed a few worship songs and then on the monitor FLASHED her number.

Honestly......I was relieved to see it! I was wondering how she was doing. Also I still need to feel reassured knowing she is attached strongly to me. Attachment is so important for these kiddos and it can be so complicated and challenging. It is very, very serious. God has performed a miracle in her heart in her ability to connect to us. We are so grateful.

I quickly got to her room. I scooped her up and said over and over "momma always comes back".  After that she wouldn't let me out of her sight. So we sat in the nursery together. I was hoping to show her that it was a nice, fun place to hang out. Not sure she was really buying into that idea! We'll keep trying the nursery and see if she gets more comfortable.

But I would say that Sunday's experience was a HUGE success. Elizabeth showed me that she is progressing well with normal toddler attachment & separation anxiety. And I got the opportunity to show her that "momma always comes back". 


  1. What a sweet, sweet post! And what an incredible blessing to hear how well she's doing!

    Love ya!!

  2. SHannon,
    I STILL use those words with Cali - and she STILL needs to hear them. And we've been home for almost 10 months............. Even though those words are few and far between anymore, she still asks me that same question sometimes and the answer is still the same. I prove it every time. Sweet story and I do understand.......how incredible that we get the opportunity to prove to these girls that we are dependable, and that this also allows us to lay the groundwork to show the same of our Heavenly Father. Gotta love that!

    In Him,

  3. So beautiful. What a great way to handle it! You're doing a fabulous job, and you KNOW, I'll be taking cues from all you other mamas when our Dorothy finally comes home!
