We've had a nice day here in Shanghai. The weather is actually pretty nice. Georgia was great escorting us around the city today. We are now resting in the room for a bit, watching CNN. We are going to walk Nanjing Road tonight and walk down to the Bund River. Georgia said it is really beautiful at night....lots of lights. I am especially jetlagged, so fighting wanting to sleep. Hopefully I will sleep well tonight. We fly out tomorrow to Fuzhou in the afternoon. We are very excited to get to Elizabeth's province & settle into our room.
Blogger is completely blocked here in China. I'm going to see if I can get onto langleysmeimei website and if I can I might start posting there. But I'll post on here if we switch to the old website.
We are getting your comments via email so keep 'em coming. My backup folks in the USA are trying to publish comments for me, but don't be discouraged if it takes a while to see your comments.
Here are a few photos from today:
Arg! I want to see these pictures. I know communications are sketchy but I hope you can repost these so we can see you guys enjoying China. I bet your arms are really itching now...ready to grab that sweet baby! 2 more days!